Friday, September 17, 2010

EOC Week 8 Legal Questions

If a company give you a design and didn’t know it was inspired by another company and you didn’t know anything about it, can you still be sued?

What is the best response to a non compete disclosure contract? (what’s the best way to handle it)

Is it possible to modify an existing design and use it as my own?

What rights do I retain when using company software?

If you do a design, etc. for a client and are not paid for it, does the actual design belong to you or the client?

How much do people charge to read a contract, or advice/interpreter?

Can you be inspired by a competitors work and use it against them, at the same time changing it into a different design?

If I lose inspiration and go online and use someone else’s design, more than I intended to. Will I be safe from a lawsuit if I changed it enough so it isn’t exactly the same? What recourse do I have if the roles are reversed, if my work is the work being stolen?

If I create a design for a company, can I still distribute the same design to other companies?

Am I entitled to full rights of a design if i were to create it within a group?

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